SRPC Afternoon Play Group: Feb. 28, 2019 at 1pm

There will be an afternoon play group for kids of all ages at the church building on February 28, 1-3pm. We will have indoor games and crafts. Each mom please bring child’s snack/water bottle.  Please join us  for great opportunity for children to play and moms to socialize! Feel free to invite friends! Please RSVP to Amy Bowels if you plan to attend.

Tuesday Evening Prayer Meeting: Nov. 19th, 7pm



There WILL be a Tuesday Evening Prayer Meeting on Nov. 20, 2018 at 7pm. All are welcome to attend.

At 6:30pm there will be pizza for those who RSVP.  There will be a basket for donations to offset the cost of the pizza ($1 per slice is suggested).

Please RSVP to Pastor Mang if you plan to have pizza. Please indicate preferred pizza type (cheese, pepperoni, or veggie) giving the number of people who will want each type. Please, also, let him know if you will need nursery for any of your children during the prayer meeting.

Men and Boys Campout: NOTE DATE CHANGE ***October 18-20th

Men and Boys Campout: The annual campout will be held Thursday afternoon thru Saturday, October 18-20th. Come when you can for as long as you can. It will be at the Deane property. A porta-potty, sink, non-potable water, and firewood are provided. Many activities are available: Fishing; Hiking; Horse-shoes; Tomahawk Throwing; Wood-splitting; Safe Firearms Range; Frisbee golf; Kayak and Canoe; Rope Wall; Archery. For any questions, please see Joe Deane or Dave Dise.

Please help VBS with Donations and Loaner Items Needed

We are looking for some items for the VBS set. Please contact David Dise if you can lend us an old steamer trunk or foot locker,or weathered wood crates, boxes,

 or lobster traps.



Also, there is a fish net hanging in the foyer of the church building with tags listing other items needed for the VBS. Please consider taking some of those tags and donating the items listed on them. This is a great way to contribute something to VBS if you are not able to give your time as a volunteer.

It has been the custom at SRPC that we provide lunch at the church building immediately following the end of the morning VBS session for the tired and hungry volunteers and their children. We are asking all who are able to please donate a 12-pack of soda, juice, or water for our VBS volunteers. Please label them “VBS” and place these on the counter near the window in the kitchen.