Our Leadership


Shown above left to right: R.E. William McFarland, R.E. Brian Groft, R.E. Steve Powell, Rev. Jegar Chinnavan (Assistant Pastor of Mount Zion Church Plant), Rev. Michael Mang (Pastor), R.E. Joseph Deane, and (former) R.E. Britt McNeill.  Rev. Matteson Bowles (Assistant Pastor), R.E. Ryan Heisey, and R.E. Dan Bredbenner are not in the photo.

The leadership of SRPC consists of elders and deacons who form the Session and the Diaconate.

Our Pastors: Our pastors are teaching elders. Teaching elders are specially gifted, called, and trained by God to preach. The senior pastor is moderator of the Session. All the pastors are responsible for caring for the congregation by reading, expounding. and preaching the Word of God, administering the Sacraments, and giving pastoral care to the members and regular attenders.

The Session: The elders (the pastors and the ruling elders) make up this body and jointly have the government and spiritual oversight of the Church, including teaching.

The Diaconate: This is our board of deacons. Their office is not one of rule, but rather of service both to the physical and spiritual needs of the people.

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