Resuming In-Person Worship Services

LAST UPDATED: August 8, 2020

Our in-person worship services will accommodate a 50% seating capacity.

Additional details for in-person services:

Before and after each service there will be a cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces.  We also have been in contact with our Hispanic brethren asking them to be diligent to clean and disinfect after they use the building.

We intend to have a Deacon at the front entrance who will open and close the doors as folk enter and depart.  Signs will be posted to remind about health safety guidelines and to caution against entering if one has had a fever within the past forty-eight (48) hours. 

In order to facilitate cleaning between the 9:00 and 10:45 service we request those who come to the early service to exit as soon as possible to the outside of the building and to fellowship with others safely in the yard area or the parking lot.

Session highly recommends those attending the early 9:00 a.m. worship service to consider wearing masks in deference to brethren who are legitimately concerned about their own or a family member’s susceptibility to contracting COVID-19.

The 10:45 service will be livestreamed over Sermon Audio and Facebook as usual.  A bulletin will be available online.  For those attending the service in-person bulletins will be available on the website for you to print out or to load on to your phones or tablets.  There will be a few printed bulletins at the church, primarily for any visitors who might worship with us. 

Alternate rows of seating will be used, and at least six feet should be between families or single individuals.  The wearing of a mask is at your discretion.

The Lord’s Supper will not be livestreamed for several reasons, but mostly in order to ensure that the Sacrament is properly fenced and distributed to show forth the visible unity and communion of the body of our Lord.

At the on-site service, the elements will be placed on two stations at the front of the sanctuary.  The Bread and the Cup will be spaced out on trays to facilitate receiving them in a safe and sanitary manner.  Those who partake will come forward observing a safe distance from others, take both elements, and return to their seats to eat the Bread and drink the Cup.

Just to be clear, Sunday School is not currently in session, and the nursery will not be available.  The Cry Room will be open, but being rather small, we ask you to be judicious and careful to maintain recommended distancing should others also seek to use it.

For the time being there will be no “Greeting” and passing of offering plates in the service.  The Deacons have purchased a “Tithe Box” that is placed in the rear of the sanctuary should you wish to give your tithes and offerings to the LORD in that manner.  We also offer online giving capabilities for those who wish to give in that way.  If you have questions about online giving, please contact Lloyd Moore or one of the Deacons.  You can find their contact information in the bulletin attached.  Your faithfulness in continuing to support the ministry of the Gospel at SRPC has been a source of great joy and thankfulness to the LORD God. 

We are working carefully to ensure that safe and sanitary measures and conditions ensue for everyone’s health and peace of mind.  There have been so many varied and conflicting studies and opinions as to what actually constitutes the safest measures to take that it has often been difficult to assess what procedures are truly effective.  Not being experts, we defer to the current consensus that comes from our government and health officials.  We also trust your good judgment and common sense in these matters to know that if you have underlying health risks or have had a fever recently to remain at home and avail yourself of the live-streamed service.

Please be patient as we work through the logistics of transitioning to two services for the time being.  We welcome your feedback to help improve our journey back to normal.  Your prayers and encouragement have been most appreciated.  Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters who have experienced loss and difficulties due to this pandemic.  Pray that the Body of Christ at SRPC, and in every place, will grow stronger and closer to Christ through this ordeal.