Please help VBS with Donations and Loaner Items Needed

We are looking for some items for the VBS set. Please contact David Dise if you can lend us an old steamer trunk or foot locker,or weathered wood crates, boxes,

 or lobster traps.



Also, there is a fish net hanging in the foyer of the church building with tags listing other items needed for the VBS. Please consider taking some of those tags and donating the items listed on them. This is a great way to contribute something to VBS if you are not able to give your time as a volunteer.

It has been the custom at SRPC that we provide lunch at the church building immediately following the end of the morning VBS session for the tired and hungry volunteers and their children. We are asking all who are able to please donate a 12-pack of soda, juice, or water for our VBS volunteers. Please label them “VBS” and place these on the counter near the window in the kitchen.

Meeting Dates for VBS Volunteers

VBS Volunteers: Please Mark Your Calendars

June 17 right after the worship service: Melinda Core will explain the material she will be covering at her station

June 23: 10am-12 Noon: Dry Run Meeting: All volunteers must be at church for the Dry Run meeting!

VBS Set Up Days: All Hands on Deck! We need volunteers to help set up for VBS. We need your help even if you are not volunteering for the week of VBS!

June 16; Beginning Set Building starting at 8am (Help is needed to build sets—come and help even if you are not volunteering the week of VBS)

June 23: Finishing Up Set Building starting at 8am (Help is needed to finish building sets—come and help even if you are not volunteering the week of VBS)

June 24: Final set up of VBS! (Bring a sack lunch and comfortable clothes—Many hands make light work, so please stay and help even if you are not volunteering for the week of VBS)